Charles Michel: a good report for Belgium!
Prime Minister Charles Michel has taken due note of the decisions the members of the European Commission have taken concerning the European Semester 2015.
The Government had earlier presented a detailed argument to demonstrate the credibility of the budgetary commitments in 2015.
In the case of the budgetary measures, the European Commission confirms that the excessive deficit procedure has not been applied for Belgium. The European Commission welcomes the structural measures embarked upon by Belgium.
The European Commission's assessment confirms that the Government is putting our country on the right track. The structural reforms and the budgetary consolidation process have to be continued in order to guarantee the long-term funding of the social security and welfare services.
"The European Commission's assessment acts as further incentive to complete the Government's social and economic programme," states Charles Michel.
The Federal Government will continue to pursue fiscal prudence and sustained control over revenue and expenditure in order to move towards the medium-term objective, as proposed by the European Commission.